Pest Control Services: Ants

I have always seen >bugs hanging around my house and have never known what to do to get rid of them. I did a little bit of research and have found some simple ways to eliminate or protect against the number of pests around my house. I want to share with you 5 simple tips to get rid of pests.

Tip 1 – Make sure there is no sugary substance left behind

The sugar leftover on something as tiny as a soda can will attract pests.

So before you toss out soda cans, rinse the can to remove any sugary coating that might attract pests

Tip 2- Destroy the pest’s home

If the pests are living in your yard and you want to avoid using any harsh chemicals or any possible harm to your yard, you can put the hose next to the pest’s home and turn it on for 10 minutes. You really want to saturate the dirt to get the pests to leave. Do this daily until there are no more signs of pests.

Tip 3- A more effective way to destroy ants’ home

Put a pot of water on the stove and mix in a good amount of cayenne pepper or vinegar. When the water starts to boil, take it outside to poor on the ant colony. The boiling water mixture should kill ants on contact.

Tip 4- Get rid of the pheromones and trails that ants leave

Get a spray bottle and fill it half with vinegar and the rest with water.

Put in a few drops of dish soap and spray around your baseboards, walls, nooks, and entryway. Ants leave trails that other ants will follow and this mixture will help get rid of those pheromone trails.

Tip 5- Repel ants using certain herbs

Ants dislike the strong odors of certain herbs. So, place bunches of these specific herbs near troubled spots. Mint, pennyroyal, rue, or tansy. You can also frequently wipe down areas with oil of cloves or eucalyptus oil.

These are just some of the simple tips to get rid of pests that I have found to be helpful. I know there are several different ways to get rid of pests and in some cases, these little things you can do won’t be enough. However, I hope these tips are helpful and you can find a way to get rid of the pests hanging around your home.

Tips to get rid of pests
If you are wanting to find out more information in regard to pests that may be lurking around your home, you can do what I did and research more about pest information. I was very intrigued and impressed with the information that I was able to find on various websites. There was a lot of information not only regarding simple tips to get rid of pests but what the pest actually is. The information that I was able to find on these websites was very educational to me and I know that it could be educational for you as well.

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