Volvo 90 Series Cars – A Business Friendly Venture

Get an answer to your calling needs while on the wheels with Volvo integration for Skype into its 90 series cars. Now drivers can join the meetings at the press of a button from the center console of the care through the infotainment touchscreens. The integration of Skype is a way to get through the tough part of getting into the conference calls especially with entering lengthy pin codes and a sequence of buttons asking you for a chain of options before participating in the meeting. Volvo has partnered with Microsoft to do all within the range to reduce the distraction.

For some Skype in the car could be a bad idea as the focus is shifted to the calls and not on the road. But the good news here is that people who are motivated to conduct business call on the go will do it even if the integration is not available but the saving grace is that now drivers will be more focused while driving because of the less complexity in initiating a video call. With the new integration the steps to join a conference call is truly reduced making it convenient for the driver.

This is not just a one of integration with Microsoft for Volvo. The duo is now working on Cortana, virtual assistant to benefit the drivers via voice recognition, calendars and many other sources. Volvo is moving towards designing autonomous vehicle for the future with productivity software in the car. Though, it is a tough vision for a car manufacturer, but Volvo is aiming to achieve this with the help of Microsoft. The two are thinking of the future where commuting would be more than just leaving a place and arriving at another. The future for the cars will be high tech where businesses can be conducted from the car and Volvo is aiming to achieve this in the near future.

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Best Countries To Start Your Business

Starting business takes a lot of effort. Apart from the expertise and the funds that is required to start the business, legal approvals or approvals from various officials in each country is important too. These rules for approving a business opportunity varies from country to country. In countries such as New Zealand, it takes a day to get an approval whereas in Venezuela it takes 230 days. The stark difference is alarming. Due to this, New Zealand remains as the easiest country to start your business in and Venezuela being the toughest.

According to the survey that was conducted by World Bank, it has been estimated that New Zealand has taken the top spot in the rankings being the easiest place on the planet to do business and Venezuela has ranked 187th out of the 190 economies. New Zealand has gone past Singapore which was holding the top rank for the past decade.

Some of the indicators that the World Bank was looking at was starting a business, permits with respect to construction, property registration and the facility to avail credit. United States ranked down from the overall table into the eight position from the long standing seventh. However, it was ranked high for getting credit and the way they deal with firms that are insolvent.

Although United States ranked top on some categories, the overall rating for the country is at 51st place. Due to the recent economic reforms, three countries have improved in their business side. They are Brunei, Kazakhstan and Kenya. Somalia is the worst economy according to the survey. The war that has been launched against most of the east African nations has pushed their rank under paying taxes to the bottom. In fact Somalia has no tax system in place which leads to limited protection for minority investors.

Some of the other nations that has ranked in the top ten category are: New Zealand, Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong, South Korea, Norway, United Kingdom, United States, Sweden and Macedonia.

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Utah Is Creating All The Right Buzz For Business

People in Utah are industrious and this is proved by the win of holding the 10th place as the Top States for Business ranking. This did not happen overnight. It happened over a period of decades of sincere effort by the people, innovative industries and skilled workforces are all responsible for the rise. Venture capitalists are flocking to the state to invest in the industries ranging from software, energy, medical device manufacturing companies and more. Some of the luring factors include cheap real estate, tax breaks, educated citizens and well connected public transportation are all reasons for setting up business in the state. The University of Utah and Brigham Young University churns out stead flow of manpower for the businesses.

Utah scores high on the cards with 1,598 points out of 2,500. There is more to it, the all round performance of the state in the long term. Earlier to the 10 years it has never happened to the state in keeping the score and finishing in the top 10. The score is based on excelling in 10 categories. Utah has the reputation of scoring more than 60 metrics against all the 50 states in all the 10 categories. Each category is given priority based on how frequently each state uses it in their sales pitches.

The industrious nature of the state is exhibited through this ranking. Utah has always been competitive in nature and this is the eight time, the state has finished in the top five in the ten years. During Republican Governor Gary Herbert, the state emerged as a real champion. Herbert in his 2012 speech to the legislators said that it is his goal to create jobs in the private sector by 100,000 in 1,000 days. This was the time when the state was outpacing while the nation was still recovering from the Great Recession. At the end of 1,000 days the state had 100,000 jobs, it even add 9,000 more.